Review: Plain Kate

Friday, November 11, 2011

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Title : Plain Kate
Author : Erin Bow
Published : September 1st 2010
Page count : 314
Series : N/A 
Format : Harcover

 Plain Kate lives in a world of superstitions and curses, where a song can heal a wound and a shadow can work deep magic. As the wood-carver's daughter, Kate held a carving knife before a spoon, and her wooden talismans are so fine that some even call her “witch-blade”: a dangerous nickname in a country where witches are hunted and burned in the square.

For Kate and her village have fallen on hard times. Kate’s father has died, leaving her alone in the world. And a mysterious fog now covers the countryside, ruining crops and spreading fear of hunger and sickness. The townspeople are looking for someone to blame, and their eyes have fallen on Kate.

Enter Linay, a stranger with a proposition: In exchange for her shadow, he’ll give Kate the means to escape the angry town, and what’s more, he’ll grant her heart’s wish. It’s a chance for her to start over, to find a home, a family, a place to belong. But Kate soon realizes she can't live shadowless forever -- and that Linay's designs are darker than she ever dreamed.

This book was completely enchanting. Full of excellent writing, wonderfully fleshed-out characters, a haunting landscape, and gripping storyline, it was one of the best books I've read in a long time. Usually I tear through books - devouring them, really - but this one was different. I just wanted to immerse myself, slowly and completely, and absorb the atmosphere and all of the wonderful feelings that this book invoked. I was truly moved by the time the book was complete, and am definitely looking forward to Bow's next novel, Children of Peace.

Kate, who goes by Plain Kate, is a wonderful character. I can't even begin to describe her. Bow has created such an amazing cast of characters that you really need to meet them yourselves. They aren't the sort that you wave to across the street then continue on your way, or exchange a few words of greeting with only to have the moment slip from your mind without a second thought. No, this cast really sticks with you. Kate is just one of the many incredibly complex characters born from Bow's pen.

I was intending to touch on the storyline when I started this review, but thinking back on it, I don't think I can even begin to give it justice. So this review is basically just telling you that it's awesome! You should read it! I promise you that you will love every moment of it. :)


Unknown said...

This book looks awesome! Great review. thanks for stopping by :) I'm a new follower!

Amy @ Following The Reader

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